The team at We’:) has curated products based ondistinguishable attributes that help us categorize them by intents.
RISE: Set the tone for: Morning motivation, coffee drinking and day planning.
CREATE: Set the tone for: Inspiring new ideas, mindfulness, or just getting the job done.
BALANCE: Set the tone for: Finding your equilibrium or balance, returning to neutral.
REFLECT: Set the tone for: Introspection and meditation. To contemplate life’s joys.
PAUSE: Set the tone for: Relaxing into the couch, being restful, putting your mind on pause.
LOVE: Set the tone for: Stimulation, loving friendships, or life’s more carnal pleasures.
Our products embrace the best of what is available on the legal marketand have been discernibly chosen with our guests’ experience in mind.
You can expect to find the following products in store, clearlyorganized by intent:
Cannabis flower, available in 1g, 3.5g, 7g, 15g,and 28g options
Cannabis flower pre-rolls, available in a varietyof sizes and quantities
Cannabis extracts, including oils, capsules, hash,kief, resin, rosin, shatter, wax, isolates, and distillates
Cannabis vapes and accessories, including pods,disposable pens, cartridges, and batteries
Cannabis edibles such as chocolates, hard candies,soft candies, capsules, and baked good
Cannabis topicals in creams and lotions for bathand shower, or for intimacy purposes